Friday, June 6, 2014

The 2014 Middle School Summer Reading List is Alive!

Happy Friday. For the 2nd year in a row, an ambitious (and charming) public librarian and a brilliant (and noble) school librarian have come together to bring you the ultimate Summer Reading list for grades 6-8 (and beyond). Behold:

Here is the lists' logic: organized alphabetically by genre, then by author, all the way from Adventure to Steampunk. We strive to pick new books, published in 2013-2014, so that each year's list is always fraîche

Find these books at your local library. All. Summer. Long.

Kelley Blue, Teen Services Librarian @ Wood Library, Canandaigua
Melanie Dyroff, School Library Media Specialist @ Canandaigua Middle School Library

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